Sunday, August 2, 2009

be ready

hi guys , always be ready , we were playing at the conwy bluegrass in july, that is our bluegrass band, BOWMAC, so the day before the fest we decided to kill some time and visit the snowdonia heritage park ( a wonderful place) the day was the best, sun shine with a few showers thown in , but very hot , we parked the camper van in car park provided, and later that evening we where doing a little picking ( as you do_) when, this couple happened along, they stood for a while to listen .and then the lady asked if i had fiddle on board , she said he plays fiddle, and pointed to the hubby, a tall man with a big smile. i rushed into the van and pulled out my fiddle , one i bought in conwy the year before, made from pear wood , build 1934 , EH DOD, from the inside of the van i could hear him playing some nice stuff , so i thought better get out there and give him some accompaniment. we played some tunes ,or as they call them songs. but when i asked if the last one was GOLD RUSH, he said yes , i helded write that one with mr bill monroe, at this point i felt it would only be right to ask for his name,? he anwsered, BYRINE BERLINE, well then the blood left my body , it took a while to return, we played some stuff and had some laughs , we even sang THE BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS OF VIRGINA, yeh ,and bill took a nice break too, he complemented my fiddle and that felt good , before he departed i asked him if we could meet up at the fest ,he said what fest? conwy i replied, no im just here playing golf and did:nt know there was bluegrass fest happening, so all can i say is, you never know when your going to showcase with the greats, or in my case a car park in snowdonia on a warm july evening with only the birds in the trees for your audience.